The Way Up is Down.

God called to Moses, "Come no closer! Remove the sandals from your feet, for the place on which you are standing is holy ground." Ex. 3: 5

Moses and the burning bush is one of the many fascinating accounts of the Bible. Moses is commanded by God to remove his sandals and approach his presence. The removal of the sandals did not alter the place where Moses was. Rather it altered Moses himself as he approached the presence of God in humility and meekness. It is believed that Eastern religions developed the practice of removing their footwear before entering a holy place from this encounter of Moses with God. This is how they show reverence for their place of worship. In western society, reverence is shown by the removal of hats by men. I recently saw a gentleman remove his hat on the streets and stand still as a funeral procession rolled by. That was out of respect. We don't necessarily have to be disrespectful to not show respect to God. Our indifference to the presence of God is in itself a lack of respect. The comforts of life often cause us to forget the God we serve. When we approach God's presence we are expected to put aside the comforts of this world in order to be completely focused. God call us to put down in order that we may be able to pick up at His command.

Moses was also brought back in touch with himself when he removed his sandals. Genesis tells us that humankind was created from the dust of the earth. Moses had been elevated to the house of Pharaoh. He had enjoyed the education, wealth, food and lifestyle of the palace. Although he was no longer in Egypt, his life had been influenced by palace living and so it was necessary for him, having been privileged to be in sandals all his life, to step down in order to be able to look up to God. His feet had to touch that from which he was made as a reminder of who he really was. Slaves did not wear shoes and this was one way of their being identified. He needed to remember that even in the house of Pharaoh, and even in the family of Jethro, he was the son of slaves. How could he stand up for God by championing the cause of God's people unless he was first prepared to look up to God as one of God's people? It challenges us constantly remember who we are regardless of where we are.

Friends I believe the call of God is on every heart, every life. Before we can respond we have to put aside and we have to step down. God wants to elevate you, God wants to pour into your life so that your life can glorify Him, but you must begin by approaching His Holy Ground. To do so you have to lay aside and stand down. Remember friends, holy ground is wherever God meets you. Are you approaching holy ground at this moment? Lay aside and stand down so God can lift you up and use you mightily. The way up is down.

Till next Tuesday, be blessed.


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