Growing up in a Caribbean village, quarrels and disputes were a part of village life. The end results of how things were resolved depended a lot on one thing: ‘satisfaction’. The person who felt he/she had been wronged would go to the other person looking for ‘satisfaction’. In Caribbean culture that simply meant looking for justice. If you heard the statement “I ain’t get no satisfaction” it simply meant that you were not pleased with how things turned out. You didn’t get what you came for and that was not the end of it. With that in mind we draw our thoughts to today’s FF: I’M SATISFIED.

To be SATISFIED is to be pleased, to be content, to be fulfilled. Yet being SATISFIED is in some way tied to and connected with oneÂ’s expectation. If one expects nothing then it takes nothing to be SATISFIED. However if oneÂ’s expectations are high then more than likely it takes much more for that person to be SATISFIED. How true it is that in order not to deal with the bitterness of disappointment some people lower their expectations so that being SATISFIED is more readily achieved. So then the question is what does it take for you to be able to say IÂ’M SATISFIED?

Can we all today say –

IÂ’M SATISFIED with my spiritual growth and my walk with Christ?
IÂ’M SATISFIED with all that IÂ’ve accomplished in life so far?
IÂ’M SATISFIED with how the relationships in my family are right now?
I’M SATISFIED with the spouse/fiancée/boyfriend/girlfriend whom I love so much?
IÂ’M SATISFIED with the witness of my local Church and how we love each other?
IÂ’M SATISFIED with my successes because of the many times I failed?
IÂ’M SATISFIED with the condition of my body as I care for it as GodÂ’s temple?
IÂ’M SATISFIED with life and what each day offers whether good or bad, bitter or sweet?

I’ve discovered that real satisfaction is found when what you receive goes above and beyond and far exceeds what you expected. To that end the one thing I pray for you today is that you discover God satisfies. Psalm 107:9 assures us ‘For he satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things.’ We all know how a great tasting meal can satisfy our physical hunger. So too God through Christ satisfies the heart that is seeking. The things of this earth satisfy for a period but satisfaction that God in Christ offers lasts for eternity.

So till next Friday, GodÂ’s willing, my prayer is that you will be, and stay connected to God so that when someone asks of you howÂ’s life, youÂ’ll be able to confidently say, IÂ’M SATISFIED. This is because youÂ’ve had a life impacting encounter with God that has left you with more than you expected. Thanks to be GodÂ…IÂ’M SATISFIED.

Mikie Roberts (Rev)

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