ThereÂ’s Hope.

I praised and honored the one who lives forever. For His sovereignty is an everlasting sovereignty, and His kingdom endures from generation to generation. All the inhabitants of the earth are accounted as nothing. Daniel 4: 34 – 35

TodayÂ’s text is from Nebuchadnezzar's recovery, and his return to his right mind, at the end of the seven years, as foretold. It was his punishment for placing his power and authority above GodÂ’s. Yet for the seven years he remained alive and that was miraculous hope. Where there is life, there is hope. At the end of the days (says he), I lifted up my eyes unto heaven (Dan_4:34), looked no longer down towards the earth as a beast, but begun to look up as a man. He looked up as a devout man, as a penitent, as a humble petitioner for mercy, being perhaps never till now made sensible of his own misery. We are never aware of how feeble and frail we are until we face our worst moments in life. It is not the moments in life that heralds hope, but life itself.

As long as Nebuchadnezzar believed he was the creator of his own destiny and realm he was disconnected from God. Sin breaks our relationship with God and this remains broken until we retrace our steps and get to the point of repentance. When he repented he was able to look up and worship God. Sin is a destroyer of true worship. The usurper became the worshipper and the painful result was replaced by the joyful mercy of God. The shame of sin was replaced by the return to his former glory through repentance. Only then was the king really able to recognize the might and majesty of God. His knowledge of God came out of his experience with God. What is your knowledge of God today? We often long to return to our former glory but must realize that this has to be preceded by repentance. We should make use of every opportunity to repent in order to worship God in spirit and in truth since there will be no repentance in the grave. We should never forget that we are nothing in comparison to God. It is God who responds to our faith and saves us. Life may give us hope but this hope is futile unless grounded in God. ‘My hope is built on nothing less, than Jesus’ blood and righteousness…On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand’.

Like Nebuchadnezzar, let us today rise to a true and full apprehension of God and may it lead us to seek repentance and mercy where necessary in order that we may bow before God in complete humility and total surrender, praising God as we should. Praise is the sure sign of a soul that has been spiritually healed. May our living hope in Christ, lead us to constant praise.

Till next Tuesday, be blessed!


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