Slow and Cautious

Let everyone be quick to listen, slow to speak, slow to anger. James 1:19

Many may have heard the saying: “You have two ears and one mouth so that you may listen more and talk less.” This is an adage that each needs to apply on a daily basis. How often we speak more quickly than we should! How often we speak before we think! How often we reach the point of anger because we have not really listened! Another maxim is worth considering: “Put head in gear before putting mouth in motion.” When James said ‘be quick to listen, slow to speak, slow to anger’ he may have had these thoughts in mind, and he left us with a few important lessons.

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There was a certain generation of parents who raised their children with this constant command – SIT STILL. It was spoken at specific times like when a girl’s hair was being braided and of course while you were in Church. With that command was the expectation there would be little or no movement whatsoever and that the normally restless child would somehow have a change of behaviour that would cause him/her to focus on what was considered to be of primary importance. Some kids then and even today still find it extremely difficult to SIT STILL. But grownups too still struggle with this charge. So then our FF for today is SIT STILL AND SEE.

There is value in movement. Movement means that there is some sort of progress. In life movement is to be encouraged yet monitored and structured so that one is not just moving for the sake of being active. But there is a danger in movement, even if it is ever so slight. Movement means that there has been a shift of focus and with too much movement too frequently one can be seen then to be restless and lacking in focus. One sure antidote or cure to this in life is the call to SIT STILL AND SEE.

The charge to SIT STILL AND SEE is not an invitation to laziness. Neither does it mean that motivation is in short supply. It is not sanctioning inactivity. It is the total opposite. To SIT STILL AND SEE is a request to boldly engage the weighty issues of oneÂ’s life that often escape us in the hustle and bustle of daily movement where there is the risk of losing focus on the real important things that matter most in life.

So today even for a few moments just
SIT STILL AND SEE the awesome majesty and glory of God in a sunrise or sunset.
SIT STILL AND SEE how God has protected, preserved and provided for you.
SIT STILL AND SEE where your path in life could have taken if it were not for God.
SIT STILL AND SEE not just what you have but also what you donÂ’t have.
SIT STILL AND SEE that yesterdayÂ’s problems prepared you for tomorrowÂ’s promise.
SIT STILL AND SEE wherever you now find yourself God has not abandoned you.
SIT STILL AND SEE the enemy’s attacks have not left you dead – only wounded.

Something happens when we SIT STILL. Our vision is impacted. Somehow we SEE things differently even if though there has been no change on the outside. The mountain may still be before us but in sitting STILL God allows us to SEE how to climb over. The way ahead may be dark but as SIT STILL God puts a light at our feet. In sitting STILL we SEE even some things about ourselves which before then we were blinded to.

So till next Friday, GodÂ’s willing, hear the yearning request of the Holy Spirit to us to find the time to SIT STILL AND SEE all that God may have been trying to show us for the longest time. As we SIT STILL we SEE God, ourselves and all of life with new eyes. There is nothing more valuable today than to SIT STILL AND SEE.

Mikie Roberts (Rev)

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Looking In The Right Direction

Jesus says, “The words I have spoken to you are spirit and life.” John 6:63

The disciples at one time responded to Jesus, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life”. (John 6:69) They were responding to his question, “Do you also wish to go away?” Undoubtedly, as they answered they were reflecting on what Jesus had recently said to them: “The words I have spoken to you are spirit and life.” This was a commitment on his part to provide them with all that was needful – both physically and spiritually.

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FRIENDSHIPS sustain our lives and we are tempted to underestimate their value. Somehow it is only as we grow older that we have a better appreciation for FRIENDSHIPS. Experiences and memories of the past flood our minds and we reminisce about days of old. Even though some friends may not be seen on a regular basis and may be miles away, there is still a strong bond and connection which neither distance nor time erodes. In fact the FRIENDSHIP is strengthened. Today our FF is a call to VALUE OUR FRIENDSHIPS.

A good friend is like an oasis in the desert. A good friend adds to our lives and can be the one whose wisdom and counsel can pull us through a very difficult period in our lifeÂ’s journey. FRIENDSHIPS are built on trust which is not achieved overnight but created over time. Yet the irony is that even though it takes years to build trust it takes seconds to destroy it. But if we VALUE OUUR FRIENDSHIPS then we will be willing to do whatever it takes to avoid undermining our FRIENDSHIPS and to rebuild a bond that may have been broken.

To VALUE OUR FRIENDSHIPS is to show our friends how much we really care for them. I sometimes think that seems to be easier for women than men. How many times have you heard women talk about going out with their ‘girlfriends’ to reconnect their FRIENDSHIPS. Men too hook up with ‘buddies’ for a guys night out. But the sexes are wired differently. Women connect and show the VALUE of their FRIENDSHIPS by going for ice cream or some form of activity which allows for them to focus on each other and talk. I may be wrong but I find that men find an activity to focus on and then the talk and the connection just happens while the activity is unfolding. So in between the fishing or the game guys show the VALUE of their FRIENDSHIPS.

Today, re-examine how many persons are in your life that you can truly call your friends. Not all friends are the same. Some friends know only about your family life while there are others who know the personal details of your life. But whether we consider some friends to be acquaintances and others part of our inner circle we need to VALUE OUR FRIENDSHIPS. God has given us friends to show us that we cannot make it in life on our own. No one is an island and the best way to make a friend is to be a friend. Yet there is one FRIENDSHIP that is worth having and whose VALUE is priceless – it is FRIENDSHIP with God. Moses was God’s friend. So too was King David and others. FRIENDSHIP with God through Christ is still possible for us today.

So until next Friday, GodÂ’s willing, look at the persons in your life that you consider your friends. Maintain your contact with them. Show them how much you VALUE their FRIENDSHIP. Our call today is to VALUE OUR FRIENDSHIPS for they will sustain us throughout our lives. While human FRIENDSHIPS are to be valued FRIENDSHIP with God is a must and its VALUE is priceless.

Mikie Roberts (Rev)

HereÂ’s the link for the blog. Join in the discussions.

Growing in Christ

Lay aside immaturity, and live, and walk in the way of insight. Prov.9:6

The Wise Man, as his tendency was, encourages wisdom and understanding in this passage. He also, in this instance, offers the admonition to ‘grow up’. During your youthful days you very likely heard this admonition several times, often as a chastisement. Sometimes within the same hour you heard, “Why don’t you grow up?” as well as, “You think you’re a man, eh? Just remember you’re a child.” We lived in this realm of double messages as far as the process of maturation was concerned. But the Wise Man is quite clear here – the maturation process and the commodities of wisdom and understanding are inextricably linked.

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Some TASTEs, no matter how hard you try, never escape your consciousness. ItÂ’s almost as though you keep reliving that experience whether it was good or bad. ItÂ’s as though the TASTE is still in your mouth. Then of course there are some foods that you only have to see or smell them before your mouth begins to water in anticipation of the TASTE that is yet to come. Our FF for today is ITÂ’S ALL IN THE TASTE.

Do not for one moment underestimate the power of TASTE. In fact, it is true to say that all of our other senses are impacted by what we TASTE. We can see something and if we don’t pay close attention to it, we can easily forget what it looked like. We can touch something and because the skin is the biggest organ of the body at the end of the day we can’t recall who touched us or what we touched. Hundreds of smells surf across our noses – some are pleasant while others leave our noses turned up. Our ears are bombarded with sound waves carrying from the most pleasing of music to deafening noise. But somehow none of these appear to have as forceful an impact as TASTE. Why?

Could it be that when we TASTE we ingest. When we TASTE we come in direct contact with what we’ve tasted. We’ve consumed it. So we have no choice but to form a judgment – either good or bad. When we TASTE we eat, we drink. In a real sense then that which we TASTE becomes a direct part of our very being. Naturally when we TASTE and find that what we tasted is pleasurable we desire more. In similar fashion when something is distasteful it is normal to do all in our power to avoid it. But that is not always the case because our TASTE can change over time. In the end if one repeatedly ingests that which is distasteful it is only a matter of time before bitter becomes sweet, disgusting becomes attractive and what is toxic poison becomes harmless. IT’S ALL IN THE TASTE so watch what you’re tasting.

TASTE causes us to see and know for ourselves. Yet there are so many people who have formed an opinion in life about things that they’ve never tasted for themselves. They based their conviction because of the TASTE of others. Today I challenge you, to TASTE for yourself. But the challenge is not to TASTE the pleasures of sin, not the pain of rejection, not the shame of being exposed for confessing one thing and living another – but to TASTE and see for yourself just how good God is. Psalm 34: 8 extends this invitation – TASTE and see that the Lord is good.

Till next Friday, recognize that ITÂ’S ALL IN THE TASTE. Experience for yourself, TASTE for yourself the goodness of God. IÂ’ve tasted and others have too and weÂ’re yet to say anything other than what the psalmist declared: TASTE and see just how good God is. YouÂ’ve tasted so many other things in life that that have poisoned your system and maybe slowly killing you. Why not TASTE something different today. Have a TASTE of GOD and see for yourself just how good God is. Remember ITÂ’S ALL IN THE TASTE.

Mikie Roberts (Rev)

HereÂ’s the link for the blog. Join in the discussions.

Christ the Life Giver

Jesus says, “Very truly, I tell you, whoever believes has eternal life.” John 6:47

The cynic says, “Seeing is believing.” For him or her ‘the proof is in the eating’ and there will be no acceptance of the goodness of the pudding until said party has devoured it. No doubt such persons will have to wait five hours to ensure that it ‘stays down’ and another day or two for confirmation that there are no ‘allergic reactions’. Such persons surely run the risk of missing out on eternal life since they would have to wait for physical proof as evidence of the same.

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Have you noticed how quickly a day goes by? Or is it maybe because itÂ’s summer and the kids are on vacation? Yet it just seems to me that time is flying at supersonic speed. You start a day intending to get certain things done. But you end it not having completed everything you intended. But we donÂ’t think that the day is a total loss if we were unable to accomplish everything as long as we achieved specifically THAT ONE THING. What is true of each day is also applicable to our entire lives. So our FF for today invites us all to reflect on THAT ONE THING.

Everything in life needs THAT ONE THING for it to be just right. The chef looks for THAT ONE THING to make his meal perfect. Couples are looking for THAT ONE THING to ensure a happy marriage. The struggling sports team looks for THAT ONE THING to put them in the winnersÂ’ circle. A local congregation searches for THAT ONE THING that will grow their numbers. Everybody is searching for THAT ONE THING.

THAT ONE THING is our raison d'être, our purpose for living, the very ground of our being, the core of who we are and what we’re living for and will even die for. When we discover THAT ONE THING it’s as though each day is pregnant with possibility and potential. We don’t have time to waste. Each moment is centered on THAT ONE THING. Recognize that THAT ONE THING for you may not be the same as THAT ONE THING for me. So pursue THAT ONE THING with all you’ve got in you.

Can you answer the question what is THAT ONE THING for you? We observe how sometimes people go through life with no sense of direction or purpose; they appear to be constantly restless and hopping from one thing in life to another. It could be moving from one relationship to another; from one church to another; from one career to another. ItÂ’s as though their lives are out of alignment because theyÂ’re searching for THAT ONE THING. But the greater tragedy is to be looking and yet not even knowing what youÂ’re looking for.

I want to make a recommendation. Let the search for THAT ONE THING begin by finding yourself in GodÂ’s presence. HereÂ’s why: it is in GodÂ’s presence that we see our sinfulness; we see GodÂ’s holiness; we understand GodÂ’s purpose for our lives; we know the purity of real love, joy, forgiveness (to give and receive) and patience. Let GodÂ’s presence be your starting place for THAT ONE THING.

Till next Friday, if you’ve not yet discovered THAT ONE THING for you, begin your search by going into God presence. Let THAT ONE THING for you be what it was for the psalmist who declared ‘the ONE THING I ask of the Lord – the THING that I seek most – is to live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life.’ (Psalm 27:4). Rest assured that when you’ve discovered THAT ONE THING life will never be the same.

Mikie Roberts (Rev)

HereÂ’s the link for the blog. Join in the discussions.

More Than Bread For Life

Jesus says, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never be hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.” John 6:35

Do you remember the boy who gave his lunch so that Jesus could feed the crowd? He must have wondered if his small lunch could make any impact on the situation. But he must have thought that Jesus was special enough to make a difference with the small lunch. His experience of Jesus must have taught him to expect the unexpected. At least his curiosity must have been aroused to see what would happen if he made this ridiculous offer.

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