April 15

Wednesday, April 15

The Lord your God has been with you; you have lacked nothing. Deuteronomy 2:7

Here is a word of assurance from God to his people, the children of Israel at that time.  He reminded them earlier in the verse that he was with them as they went through the wilderness for forty years.  “The Lord your God has blessed you in all the work of your hands. He has watched over your journey through this vast wilderness. These forty years the Lord your God has been with you, and you have not lacked anything.”  We can recount many of those instances: crossing the Red Sea; manna and quail; the pillar of fire and pillar of cloud; water from the rock; success in battle.  God was with them. 

But this message is very pertinent to us today.  He has been with us in every wilderness situation.  Do you remember when he supplied food for your table when you were low on cash?  Do you recall how he directed you to the ideal job?  Can you still see his hand touching you during that critical sickness, bringing you to full recovery?  He has been with you.  This is the confident assurance that you can have in the face of this COVID-19 pandemic: no matter what, God is present.  Even though the outlook may appear dim and grim, consider that he has ‘watched over your journey through your vast wilderness’.  The Lord your God has been with you these many years.  So today he is with you, for he has called you to be strong and courageous, promising: “Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9)  Whilst you may not understand the workings and challenges of COVID-19, you can understand the commitment of your God to walk with you through this pandemic.


Heavenly Father, with the victory of Easter we are assured afresh that you are always victorious.  Help us, in the midst of these challenging days of COVID-19, to trust you completely, knowing that you have promised always to be with us, and to make us victorious.   Amen.


April 14

Tuesday, April 14

My righteousness is near, my salvation has gone forth, and my arms will judge the peoples. Isaiah 51:5 NASB

Isaiah speaks here of deliverance for God’s people.  Though they had suffered hardship, God, in his righteousness and his justice, would change their circumstances.  The verse is worded this way in the New Revised Standard Version (NRSV) of the Bible: I will bring near my deliverance swiftly, my salvation has gone out and my arms will rule the peoples; the coastlands wait for me, and for my arm they hope.”  This surely sounds like good news!

Amidst our circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic, where sickness and death plague the world; where this sickness and death not only threaten our region and our nation, but have begun to infiltrate us; where we grapple with the restrictions of ‘social distancing’ and ‘lockdown’ – a verse like the foregoing is certainly good news.  It tells us that there is hope, and directs us to the source of that hope.  It says to us, ‘Do not despair, help is on the way.’  In fact, my friend, help is already here.  That is the essence of Easter: Christ has conquered all!  And now his children can live in victory!  Victory is yours because he lives!  He died and rose, therefore his salvation has gone forth.  He rules – he reigns.  He ultimately is in control, therefore we know in whom we can put our trust.  As the Psalmist declared: Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God. (Ps.20:7)

My friend, your deliverance is near, for your help is here!  God reigns supreme and Christ has taken the keys of death and hell.  He is your Hope, so have faith in him.  Do not fear nor despair.  Paul reminds: “ We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not driven to despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed; always carrying in the body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be made visible in our bodies. (2 Cor.4:8-10)  Thanks be to God – we have the Victory! Hallelujah!


Victorious Lord, we thank you for overcoming on our behalf; for the salvation you procured and the deliverance you offer.  Help us to see that our Hope is in you.  Amidst the challenges of COVID-19, then, show us your hand of comfort and endurance.  Lead us to put our trust in you, confident that you are here, and your deliverance is near.  Thank you, Jesus.   Amen.

April 13

Monday, April 13

Jacob went on his way and the angels of God met him. Genesis 32:1

The Biblical account of Jacob’s life is a demonstration of God’s grace and mercy. Consider for a moment his checkered past, so much so that he was known as a “deceiver” and “supplanter” (see Genesis 25 and 27). Some may say that what he was experiencing with Laban, his father-in-law, and the upcoming apprehension of meeting Esau after 20 years, was deserved. Yet in all this God was going before him, as we see in the focus passage Genesis 32:1, and was about to bless him as recorded in the following chapter. You see, for all his short comings Jacob, soon to be renamed Israel, trusted God, and was chosen to be the earthly ancestor of our Lord and Saviour.

As with Jacob, our salvation is not based upon our history; rather it is a gift from God, and if like Jacob we are willing to surrender our will to God He will go before us. Romans 5:8 reminds us that as with Jacob, Jesus has also gone before us and has prepared the way for our blessing. We read there “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”

Let us then cease our struggling with God, surrender to His will and receive His salvation.


Heavenly Father I thank you for your grace which gives me what I do not deserve, and your mercy which with holds what I do deserve. Like Jacob, I surrender my will to you today.  Use me to be a blessing to others.   Amen.

April 12


Sunday, April 12

For darkness shall cover the earth, and thick darkness the peoples; but the Lord will arise upon you, and his glory will appear over you. Isaiah 60:2

Man in spiritual darkness is in misery.

‘Darkness over the earth’ is a synonym for universal sin, universal misery.  Universal sin is everyman’s woe – a dark tomb.

But God who is light sends his glorious light – Jesus – to all and over all.
God’s ‘glorious light’ is a synonym for God’s salvation.

Simeon, holding the child Jesus in his arms says, in Luke’s Gospel: “My eyes have seen your salvation, your light and your glory.”
So the light – Jesus – rises from the dark tomb.  AND we too shall rise to immortality, if we choose to look up, for whosoever will may come.

So the light – Jesus – becomes everyone’s heart throb.  And the heart of everyone who seeks him is swollen with joy, and every face shines and becomes radiant with hope which rests eternal in the human breast.  This is the gift of Easter!


O Jesus, the hope of all who seek thee, the Joy of all who find, free us from earth’s darkness, and bring us at last to heaven’s light – the glory of this Easter Day!   Amen. 

April 11

Saturday, April 11

Although our sins testify against us, do something, Lord, for the sake of your name. Jeremiah 14:7 NIV

A cry goes out for mercy from God’s people!  They acknowledged their sin and pleaded with God to intervene on their behalf.  They figured he was a compassionate God and would be forgiving.

This is truly the theme for this season.  We stand today between Good Friday and Easter, and in the quietness of this day, have time to reflect on Christ’s act of redemption, and look forward to its victorious completion on Easter morn.  Can it be real?  Yes, it is all real.  He did something magnificent about our sins, which were testifying against us.  He died in our place, thus procuring forgiveness for our sins.  Out of an abundance of love and compassion, our heavenly Father gave sacrificially for us.  It is only left for us to acknowledge and accept what he now offers – salvation through the blood of Christ, resulting in eternal life in glory with him.


On this Great Sabbath, Lord, may we reflect on your great act of love, and claim your offer of forgiveness and salvation.   Amen.

April 10

Good Friday
Watchword for Good Friday — For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life. John 3:16

Friday, April 10

Happy are those who fear the Lord, who greatly delight in his commandments. Psalm 112:1

On this Good Friday we are reminded, by our watchword, of the bliss of those who fear God.  Indeed there is great bliss to us as we reflect on how much God has done for us.  In consideration of our risk of perishing, given our sinful nature, he gave his son, Jesus Christ to pay our penalty of death.  This he did on the cross of Calvary on this Day of Crucifixion.  Thus he secured our salvation, redeeming us from the grip of the enemy and the jaws of damnation.  Now we can find forgiveness in him and reconciliation with the Father.  Hence, there is much for which we ought to be glad and rejoice.  Join, then, with the hymn-writer in saying:

Rejoice and be glad! For the blood hath been shed
Redemption is finished; the price has been paid.
Rejoice and be glad! Now the pardon if free;
The Lamb that was slain now liveth again.
                                                      (CMP # 459)

Today, happy indeed are those who fear the Lord!


We rejoice today, O Lord, that who thought of us, above all, and so salvation and eternal life are ours for the taking.  Thank you, Lord.   Amen

April 09

Maundy Thursday
Watchword for Maundy Thursday — He has gained renown by his wonderful deeds; the Lord is gracious and merciful. Psalm 111:4

Thursday, April 9

Come, let us go to entreat the favor of the Lord, and to seek the Lord of hosts; I myself am going. Zechariah 8:21

The Barbados “Vision 2020: We Gatherin” shares something slightly different, but that which connects with our text for today. The idea is to invite Barbadians to a global celebration in honour of their heritage and recommit to their country’s successful future and core values that have defined them as a nation.

In Zechariah 8:21, the universality of this gathering of nations was for prayer. It was a cultural and religious experience, deemed necessary for the people of Israel to seek doctrine from the Lord, to learn the truths of His Word, to know His will, and be informed of the right way of worshipping Him. It was ultimately to seek God for life and salvation.

The Provincial theme of the Moravian Church Eastern West Indies Province, “Advance the kingdom: S.H.I.F.T.”, presents an appeal for God’s guidance, inviting each individual to the following considerations: Seek and Submit, Heed and Hear, Imagine and Insight, Focus and Function and Totally Transformed.  As we commemorate the Last Supper, are we ready to commit, not only to ourselves, and to our God, but also to each other, to join in the journey, whether it be Barbados’ “We Gatherin”, Zechariah’s search for God’s way and will, or the Province’s vision to ‘Shift’?


O Lord, as we show our concern for the spiritual welfare of each other and especially for your church, give us the zeal to honour and glorify You that our readiness to serve You will show in our divine worship to You.   Amen.

April 08

Wednesday, April 8

Restore to me the joy of your salvation, and sustain in me a willing spirit. Psalm 51:12

This passage is a part of King David’s prayer of repentance after the prophet Nathan confronts him about his adultery with Bathsheba. In an effort to hide his misdeed, he had lost his joy. In another of his Psalms this is how King David describes un-repented sin:

When I kept silent, my bones grew old
Through my groaning all the day long.
For day and night Your hand was heavy upon me;
My vitality was turned into the drought of summer
. - Psalm 32:3,4

This also happens to us when we too refuse to genuinely repent and seek forgiveness from those we have hurt. Un-repented sin will damage relationships, and the stress of having to keep it hidden or in avoiding certain people and places can increase mental and emotional strain. Remember what happened back in the Garden of Eden after that first sin? They hid and tried to avoid God.

It is God’s desire that we know the joy of a right relationship with Him and our fellowmen. This is why He sent Jesus to be the sacrifice for our sin, paving the way for us to return to Him and experience the joy of His salvation… If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. - 1 John 1:9.  May this be your experience, especially in this Lenten season of penitence.


Lord God, I thank you for your gift of salvation, I confess to you my many sins and ask your forgiveness, and the forgiveness of those I have offended. Restore to me the joy of your salvation. Amen.

April 07

Tuesday, April 7

The king of Israel, the Lord, is in your midst; you shall fear disaster no more. Zephaniah 3:15

Having rescued the Israelites from slavery in Egypt, God chose Moses to lead them and prepare them for the life in their new country. With the Ten Commandments God bound Israel to Him in a covenant. God demanded Israel to maintain their part of the covenant.

However, they soon adopted the religious practices of their foreign neighbors. In reality, Israel rejected God and his commandments.

Through the prophet Zephaniah, God told Israel, “I have destroyed nations; their strongholds are demolished. I have left their streets deserted, with no one passing through. Their cities are laid waste; they are deserted and empty. Of Jerusalem I thought, ‘Surely you will fear me and accept correction (3:6-7)!”  Israel did not listen.

God knows our hearts – how stubborn and set in our ways we are. But because of his love for each of us, he continues to forgive us when we reject him.


Lord God, you remind us that you are patiently waiting for us to return to you. Help us to humble ourselves, and with contrite hearts return to our one true God.  Draw us in humility to yourself in this Lenten season of penitence.   Amen.

April 06

Monday, April 6

Though I write the multitude of my instructions, they are regarded as a strange thing. Hosea 8:12

God had written these instructions for the Israelites because their lifestyle ignored the Laws. It is easy to listen to a sermon and think of those who should be listening or to read the Bible and think of those who should do what the message teaches. The Israelites did this constantly, applying God’s Laws to others but not themselves; this they did in order to avoid making needed changes. We should first apply the Law to our life because the faults we see in others are also our own faults.

This reflection is appropriate as we reflect on God’s love for His sinful people. Have we as a people sought the things that cannot satisfy – love of power, pleasure, money or recognition? The temptations in the world today are seductive.  Have other loyalties taken His rightful place? Greed, corruption, unfaithfulness, money, and sinful acts. Do not let prosperity diminish your love for Him or let success blind your need for Him or His love. His love is tender, loyal, unchanging and undying. NO matter what, God loves us.

We cannot escape God’s judgement. Although God will discipline us for our own sins, He encourages, forgives and restores us when we repent. There is still hope for us who will turn back to God. No matter how far you have strayed, God is merciful and will offer hope, expressing His infinite love for us. Our repentance will bring about a blessing.


Lord Jesus, the sound of truth cuts through the noise of this world. Especially during this Holy Week, tune our ears to hear it and teach our tongues to speak it.   Amen.

April 05

Palm Sunday

Sunday, April 5

Bless God in the great congregation. Psalm 68:26

Psalm 68:26 is just one verse of a beautiful psalm. In this verse you and I, we are called to come apart from our private devotion and gather together as one – united for the same purpose of worshipping and honouring the Almighty.  Verse 25 spoke of the singers, the players on instruments; and damsels playing the timbrels.  This paints for us a rather graphic and lively picture of their worship experience.  After all, God had blessed Israel; so would it not be reasonable for Israel to bless God?  God had commanded that all twelve tribes go up together and be present for corporate worship. 

That is still the expectation of us today for corporate worship.  Psalm 68:26 challenges us during this Lenten Season to leave our various homes – individually and as groups of families – leave our various offices and communities, come together as one and bless God in the congregations, considering how tremendously he has blessed us.  The Israelites did not have the luxuries we have today of cars and coaches, yet they travelled across rough terrain over many days, in order to gather as one body for worship. 

What is to be said then of us today if we neglect corporate worship of God for small difficulties?  As we take time during this Lenten Season to journey with our Lord to the cross, let us be diligent in coming together to bless God.  As we celebrate Palm Sunday today, may we, in similar train, join in praising God.  Our adversary the devil will seek to challenge us to stay away, to ‘not bother’ this time, to forget about it if we are running late.  But today I challenge us, like the Israelites be diligent in spite of the difficulties we may face during the week, and in spite of the distance we may have to take to reach that place of worship.  Come, gather together as a congregation, and bless God.  It is important for our witness, as we demonstrate to the world our commitment to God, His Word and His people.  So how could staying away be a blessing?  Choose today to defy the urge to stay away.  Instead come, gather as a people and ‘bless ye God in the congregation’ – bless God from the depths of your hearts.  AMEN!

COVID-19 has now prevented the physical gathering for worship, but we can yet come together ONLINE as many are now doing.  Psalm 68:26 is still challenging us today to bless God, to come apart for Corporate worship.  

So today, Palm Sunday, I invite you with palm or branch in hand, to stop what you are doing, turn off all other devices, and gather with your family online at the time prescribed.  Have your Bible handy, follow the Lesson, sing loud and strong the songs, and take your notes as customary during the message.  You can also engage with your Pastors online after – if you have any questions, if you need any clarification.  Brothers and sisters, let us gather as one for corporate worship ONLINE.


Heavenly Father, thank you for your Word to bless our hearts throughout all the seasons of our lives.  May we be diligent in our efforts to come together for corporate worship and study of your Word at all set times so that we can receive from you the blessings of unified worship, and encourage each other by our presence.   Amen.

April 04

Saturday, April 4

Why should the nations say, “Where is their God?” Our God is in the heavens; he does whatever he pleases. Psalm 115:2-3

The Psalmist reminds us in this Lenten season, that our God is in the heavens and that he is in control of everything.  As we are currently faced with the global threat of a virus (Corona Virus), which has the capacity to destroy a significant portion of his people; this psalm reminds us that we must not lose faith and ask "Where is our God now? (vs 2) Rather, that we must, in FAITH, remember that he created the heavens and the earth, man and all that is in it.  We must remember that he will spare the earth for the righteous’ sake. Let us now more than ever exercise our faith and belief in our creator God while exercising good health practices and relationships which have been recommended by the resource persons, which he has prepared and provided to help us overcome this international trauma.

Let us remember that our God always has a saving strategy.  We must not forget the flood and his saving strategy through Noah and his family. (Genesis 6-9)  We are reminded in Isaiah 40:5 that "The glory of the Lord shall be revealed and all flesh shall see it together: for the mouth of the Lord has spoken it”.

Let us proclaim the glory, majesty, power and magnificence of our God in resolving this global pandemic for all the world to witness and proclaim.


Dear Lord we commit our health and that of your people throughout the world to your care and control.   Amen. 

April 03

Friday, April 3

Blessed are the people who know the joyful sound! They walk, O Lord, in the light of your countenance. Psalm 89:15 NKJV

As believers we are expected to  walk in the Light of God. Those with whom we interact should see this light radiating from us. If we have acclaimed Him as our personal Saviour, which is the first step in our Christian walk, this light shines in our hearts and will play out in our lives.

Matthew 5 :16 exhorts us to let our light shine before men that they may see our good works and glorify our Father which is heaven. When we walk in the Light of God His light shines in us and through us.

1 John 1:7 (NIV) challenges us “But if we walk in the light, as He is in the light , we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, His Son purifies us from all sin.”. When we walk in the light  of God our relationship with our fellow man moves to another dimension. Our outward show of the fruits of the Spirit – charity, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness and self -control –will proclaim to others that we are children of God. As the songwriter says we become" A Sermon in Shoes."   

As we walk in the Light of God, the Holy Spirit dwells in us and will guide and direct our paths. Our family, co-workers, neighbours, and friends should see us as examples and they in turn will want to emulate us.  In other words, the example we set for wholesome christian living will encourage others to want to know more of God's Saving Grace.  Let us then walk in the light and let our light shine that others may see our good works and glorify our Father in heaven.


Father of mercy we thank you for your grace and goodness of which we are undeserving. We thank you for your Son who is the true light and from whom we receive our light. In this season of Lent help daily to let our light in turn radiate to those with whom we come into contact, helping them to learn of your Saving Grace, acclaim that you are God and accept you into their lives.   Amen. 


April 02

Thursday, April 2

O God, from my youth you have taught me, and I still proclaim your wondrous deeds. Psalm 71:17

The ageing process can be compared to the climb up a very steep hill. One looks back occasionally to see where he has come from as he fearfully tries to ascend the steep slopes. He may slip, slide and sometimes fall, but with God's help and much perseverance he finally reaches the top.

Fortunately, those heights reached enable him to view and give thanks and praise for the beautiful scenery he could not have seen before.

Childhood can be a most happy stage in life, if from very early a child is taught to love and trust the invisible God, and by good example he learns to pray to Him at all times, and especially when he needs help. The hymn-writer draws our attention to this 'delicate' period in one's life:

"When in the slippery paths of youth
With headless steps I ran.
Thy arm, unseen, conveyed me safe
And led me up to man."
                                          (CMP #. 23)

As one approaches old age, that foundation laid in childhood can help to strengthen one’s faith and trust in God when confronted with the challenges of failing health, dwindling resources, loneliness, conflict and rejection.

In Psalm 23, King David shares his thoughts on the shadowy future. "The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want .... yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me."

The foundation of child-like trust is best laid in the youthful days so that throughout life it can act as an anchor in times of trouble.

"Will your anchor hold in the storms of life
When the clouds unfold their wings of strife?
When the strong tides lift, and the cables strain
Will your anchor drift or firm remain?"

                                               (Sacred Songs # 879)


Dear Jesus, You experienced much pain and suffering, but with the help of your Father, God, you were able to bear it unto death.  Give us strength and courage to love and praise you as we face life's trials and tribulations.  Strengthen us during this season as we reflect on you, so that we may be armed to face life always.   Amen.



April 01

Wednesday, April 1

I will delight in my people; no more shall the sound of weeping be heard in [Jerusalem], or the cry of distress. Isaiah 65:19

This comforting thought comes as part of the "new thing" that God was promising to do among his people. Even though they had transgressed and strayed repeatedly, he would forgive and restore them. There would be rejoicing rather than weeping or distress as a result of this "new thing" that God would do.

Our Provincial Theme this year is "Advance the Kingdom: SHIFT." To follow that theme is to give God authority to do "something new" among us. For this to become a reality, the following are among the things necessary on our part:

1. We need to trust him; it will not always be obvious to us how he is working.
2. We need to be available to him; so that he can readily access us.
3. We need to be pliable in his hands; he will have to remold us from time to time.
4. We need to be attentive; otherwise we might miss his directives.
5. We need to remain focused; less we become distracted from the goal.
6. We need to be alert; ready to move and respond at anytime.
7. We need to be thankful; that God is using us to fulfill his purpose.

Let us therefore get ready for the SHIFT that we are asking God to make in us. He wants us to be involved. But remember, whilst "he has no hands but our hands," he can use even the rocks. Let us not miss out on the blessing God has in store for us.

Lord, in this season of reflection, help us to give sincere thought to what you desire to do in us. Then help us to submit to you, so that you can effect your purpose. Amen.