There are numerous Caribbean proverbs that convey some very profound truths. Many can testify to their validity. For example, “who can’t hear will feel” or “don’t put your head where your body can’t pass.” While living in Barbados, I came to appreciate this one, “if you can’t help, don’t hinder.” In other words, if there’s nothing in your power to make a situation better then also don’t do anything to make it worse either. The opposite is also implied in that we should not be too quick to hinder but instead do what we can to help. After all whatever help you offer can go a long way. I want us to reflect a bit on this in view of how we view and treat those in leadership positions. And so for our FF for today I want to encourage all of us to do all in our power to BE SUPPORTIVE. That’s today’s FF – BE SUPPORTIVE!

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Earlier this month, theatre goers were able to enjoy watching the best actors and actresses receive their Tony awards for outstanding performances on stage. It was a great show and allowed us to see what are the must-see plays and musicals to be at Broadway. Earlier this year in February, movie goers had their turn to witness the presentation of the Oscars to the most outstanding actors and actresses on the big screen. That too was considered a prime time event with red carpet fanfare. It’s amazing just how we applaud and make much of those who make a living from PRETENDING to be what they’re not. Those who win either the Tony or the Oscar have done so because they would have done an outstanding job in whatever the role they played. Though that was their job, to PRETEND, for some of us it may be every day way of living. And so for today’s FF I invite us to reach a point where we say to ourselves, I’m DONE PRETENDING! That’s today’s FF – DONE PRETENDING!

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There are numberless stories that have been told over and over again by many women about the kind of CRAVING that they develop during pregnancy. Sometimes even the type of foods that they would not normally eat, they suddenly have a strong desire for. WhatÂ’s even more interesting is not only what they CRAVE but also the time of the day or night when these CRAVINGS come on so strong. Without doubt, the caring husband will do all in his power to make sure that whatever his pregnant wife is CRAVING is supplied. If not, she may not stop the nagging until the CRAVING has been met. It is not only pregnant women who have CRAVINGS. At some point in time in our lives we all CRAVE something. ItÂ’s our must have! With that in mind the FF for today calls us to WATCH YOUR CRAVINGS!

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Recently while at the gym, I went on one of the stationary bikes to do some cardio. I was about to get started when I realized that the pedals were not moving. For whatever reason, the machine was just not working. The owner came over, unplugged the bike, waited about 10 seconds and then turned the power back on. I was getting ready to start pedaling when all of a sudden this message appeared in the handle section of the bike. It said ‘No pedaling. RECALIBRATING.’ Although I wanted so badly to get going, there was nothing I could do but sit there and wait. Even though the bike was recalibrating for at least a minute or so, it seemed much longer to because there was absolutely nothing I could do but wait. But for this stationary bike to do what it was designed to do it needed just a few seconds to reset itself as it were. It needed to get back on track internally before the external pedaling could begin. If I were not patient I could have potentially further delayed a simple but necessary action so as to ensure that the bike continues to work properly. With that in mind, let’s realize that today may be a time for us to all RECALIBRATE. That's our FF for today – RECALIBRATE!

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God is Before Us and Behind Us

The Lord will go before you, and the God of Israel will be your rear guard. Isaiah 52:12

Isaiah speaks of IsraelÂ’s redemption from captivity by the Babylonians. This involves their return to Jerusalem and their reuniting with the brothers and sisters there. The history of Egyptian captivity and their redemption is drawn upon as a reminder of the power of the God they served. There was no reason to doubt the ability of God. Rather Israel could begin to rejoice and worship because all the nations around would witness God at work on their behalf. God would lead them out of captivity and reunite them with the land of promise. They could go n confidence knowing that He who led them also had their backs. They were fully protected.

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