God is Neither Dead Nor Asleep!

The Lord has proclaimed to the end of the earth: Say to daughter Zion, “See, your salvation comes.” Isaiah 62:11

My prayers go out to all those who have been affected by the hurricane that did so much damage. Through it all, God continues to be faithful to us. Give thanks and praise! Remember also, Rev. Phyllis Smith-Seymour (Jamaica) and family in prayer on the loss of her mother.

There’s a chorus we used to sing in church meetings many years ago. ‘God is not dead, no, He’s alive!’ It was an affirmation that God was very much involved in the everyday lives of those who trusted in Him. We could feel God in our limbs and in faith knew that God was alive and well. It was also a promise to those who doubted that the day would come when they would behold with their own eyes, the coming of the Lord. Today’s text is a prophetic utterance to a people beginning to doubt the presence of God due to the harshness of their situation. Carted away to Babylon, mistreated and feeling abandoned by God, they were barely holding on to their faith. How long, O LORD? Will you forget me forever? How long will you hide your face from me? How long must I take counsel in my soul and have sorrow in my heart all the day? How long shall my enemy be exalted over me? Psalm 13:1-2. Continue reading "God is Neither Dead Nor Asleep!"


This past Sunday one of our congregations had its annual missionary lovefeast. After the sermon we sang “Find Us Faithful”. I was particularly struck by these lines in the second verse
AFTER all our hopes and dreams have come and gone
And our children sift through all we've left behindÂ….
The verse ends with a prayer that whatever is discovered or uncovered will lead them to experience faith in Christ for themselves. Have YOU given much thought to what will be revealed or said about YOU not while youÂ’re still around but AFTER? And so for our FF for today I invite us to ponder the two words AFTER YOU!

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GodÂ’s Plan Will Be Accomplished.

The Lord said to Moses, “You shall speak all that I command you.” Exodus 7: 1 – 2

When God told Moses that he was to return to Egypt and to Pharaoh with GodÂ’s message, Moses expressed his fear, and inadequacy for the task. God had it all worked out for him however and Aaron, his older brother was chosen as the spokesperson. God established a chain of command that Moses would follow. God would speak to Moses, Moses would speak to Aaron and Aaron in turn would speak to Pharaoh. Moses would keep nothing back from Aaron who would be able to relay it all to Pharaoh. This was GodÂ’s way of dealing with MosesÂ’ speech impediment that he had declared. Friends, never be afraid of admitting your fears or perceived weaknesses to God. After all, God already knows and has a contingency plan in place. Our failures at times have been as a result of our not admitting our short comings to God. GodÂ’s plan is predominant and will be realized regardless.

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God Journeys With Us.

I am with you to save you and deliver you, says the Lord. Jeremiah 15:20

Ever felt that when you really needed God to come through for you, it just did not happen? Jeremiah was there and he accused God of not helping him in his hour of need. Whenever we begin to blame God for the condition we are in, we will lose sight GodÂ’s purposes, and will dwell in self-pity. Jeremiah did that by losing focus of GodÂ’s purposes and was feeling sorry for himself. He was angry, hurt, and afraid. How does God react to our frustrations? God never got angry at Jeremiah, but rather answered by rearranging Jeremiah's priorities. As God's mouthpiece, he was to influence the people, not let them influence him. Often we make the same mistake by being more attentive to others than to God. This should never be the case for us as we are seeking fists, GodÂ’s kingdomÂ…. Remember, we are never alone.

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I must admit that I donÂ’t know the game of chess too well. But from the little I know you have to be able to see ahead of your opponent so that you can MAKE the right MOVE. IÂ’m more familiar with checkers or draughts and like chess it requires of the players to be able to predict the next MOVE that will take place in the game. If you play any of these games just for fun, it can sometimes be very frustrating playing with someone who takes forever to MAKE their MOVE. ItÂ’s as if they want to work through all of the possibilities before MOVING one of the game pieces. Sometimes you can run out of patience and you just want to yell out to the person, stop stalling and just MAKE a MOVE. ThatÂ’s our FF for today; itÂ’s time to MAKE YOUR MOVE!

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Praise Jesus!

I will sing to the Lord, for He has triumphed gloriously. Ex. 15: 1

IsraelÂ’s history is forever changed with their new-found freedom. They have been set free from bondage and saved from sure death and destruction by PharaohÂ’s army. A new phase in their cultural development takes place immediately. Creativity comes alive as they burst forth into song led by Moses and Miriam. When God does something for us our first reaction should be to burst forth into praise. It should not be delayed as our human nature will just as soon dampen the praise. It should be immediate as a first response. This praise was their natural reaction as it should be ours. How do you react to GodÂ’s goodness? It was their way of expressing thanks and praise to Jesus. How quickly do you respond in praise to GodÂ’s goodness?

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There are days in the Caribbean where the sunÂ’s heat is practically unbearable. But I guess those are the type of days that tourists came here to enjoy. They lie out in the sun and soak up all the sunÂ’s rays working to get that perfect tan. But while tourists literally bathe in the sun, many of us who live here would think twice before lying out in the hot sun all day. In fact, when the days are that hot, we tend to move as quickly as possible to get out of the sun. So casual conversations are held in the SHADE! Drivers seek out any spot with a SHADE to keep their cars cool. Some persons even use their umbrellas to protect them from the sun. ItÂ’s like the unwritten rule is when the sun is that hot do anything to catch a SHADE. Our FF for today is STAY IN THE SHADE!

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The Choice.

The Lord has sent me to proclaim the year of the LordÂ’s favor, and the day of vengeance of our God. Isaiah 61:1-2

The ServantÂ’s Song is a well-k known section of Isaiah. It reveals the joy with which the work of the Servant is carried out. Whether in the case of Israel or Jesus, the Suffering Servant had the aim of making things better for all. The proclamation however gives the choice which the servant brings. It is the choice between the favor, or the vengeance of God. As a prophet Israel had the responsibility to proclaim both to the rest of the world. The year of the LordÂ’s favor is a year of jubilee, a year of restoration. It was principled off IsraelÂ’s celebration of the year of jubilee. This was the time which occurred every seven years when the trumpet was blown, and liberty was proclaimed throughout all the land (Lev. 25:9-10). Slaves were set free, borrowed goods were returned, land was also given a break.

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