The Apple Of Our Eye

Keep my commands and you will live; guard my teachings as the apple of your eye. Proverbs 7:2 (NIV)

Some time ago I did a reflection on a verse describing us as ‘the Apple of God’s Eye’. In that reflection we saw ourselves as being special in God’s eyes. Today’s watchword asks us to equate the commands and teachings of God in the same light. Just as we are extra special to God, and just as God’s focus is always on us, we are expected to always focus special attention on God’s commands and teachings.

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Isaiah 2:2,4

In the days to come nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more. Isaiah 2:2,4

“Why do I have to learn that?” Do you remember that you sometimes asked that question when you were going to school? It seemed too difficult and you could not see the purpose of your agonizing exercise at all. And true, some things which we learned at school we do not need later in life – depending on what we do. Most of us do not need to know anymore how to weave or to make pottery as it was necessary in times past by, because we just buy our material and our cups and plates ready made.
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Exodus 19:4

You have seen . . . how I bore you on eaglesÂ’ wings and brought you to myself. Exodus 19:4

Today is Advent Sunday and a great reminder of the goodness of God. When he considered humanity to be in need of redeeming he made provision for the same. Jesus Christ, his Son, was sent into the world as its Redeemer. He came in human form and lived among humanity. He gave example of godly living and gave his life as a ransom for sinful humanity. He brought us back to the heavenly Father, having bought us back from the enemy.
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Earlier this year, we did some spring cleaning at home and got rid of an old office desk. But because of its size I had to break it down into smaller pieces in order to discard it. Somehow one piece was left in the back yard. And you know how we guys are good at putting off things! I kept promising myself to take it up and put it in the dump. Tomorrow! Next week for sure! Maybe next month! And after a while you don’t even notice that it’s there. Then you realize that it’s getting close to the end of the year and you can’t believe that it’s still there. So finally this past week we got one step closer to getting this last piece of the desk thrown out from the yard. We shifted its position – from lying flat to leaning it on its side. That simple action triggered my thoughts for today’s FF. Today I invite us all to UNCOVER, DISCOVER & RECOVER.

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Confidence in GodÂ’s Plan and Purpose.

[Happy Thanksgiving to those celebrating this week]

I cry to God Most High, to God who fulfills his purpose for me. Psalm 57: 2.

Psalm 57 is attributed to David at the time he hid in the cave while fleeing from Saul. Running from an angry Saul he goes to the king of Gath. When he realizes that they do not hold him in high esteem there, he pretends to be ad and is allowed to leave the city. He then heads to the cave of Adullam. Here he is joined by about four hundred disenfranchised Hebrews who made him their leader. From fleeing alone, hungry and constantly threatened, David now has a band of fighters following him. Here lies his first glimmer of hope and it is at this point that he writes this Psalm. It is described as ‘praise and assurance under persecution’ [Harper Collins Study Bible].

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Have you ever met someone for the first time and you immediately say to yourself that this person REMINDS you of someone else. And while the conversation is going on you keep trying to make the connection about who this person REMINDS you of. Now if you’re bold enough and you remember right then and there you may say just what you’re thinking. But then there are those times when long after the conversation, you have an ‘aha’ moment. It is then that you remember who the person REMINDS you of. And you begin to make the comparisons. It may have been the way he spoke, the way she walked, his facial features or her mannerisms that REMINDED you of the other person. Our FF for today challenges us to BE REMINDED!

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Mothering God

I have seen their ways, but I will heal them; I will lead them and repay
them with comfort. Isaiah 57:18

I remember as a child having an accident in which I almost lost a foot. It was the middle of Christmas day and my brother was showing my cousin that he could drive out dad’s F150. [Back in the 70’s people. Hard to even call it a F150]. I had to climb into the bonnet and press something on the starter so he could start it. I was about 10 years old. The result of that is that my foot was badly hurt, and my mother upon hearing my screams ran outside to see what was happening. A quick look at me on the ground, the vehicle bonnet open and the engine running gave her an idea what had happened. She looked at me and said in a stern voice, ‘I wouldn’t even come down there.’ Just like that she turned and went back inside the house. Can you imagine my anguish? In no time however she was there with ice and bandages, ready to get me to the nearest hospital.
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From today through to Sunday, the world will pause to remember men and women who have given their lives in service to their countries. It is not just the time to remember those who died in the great world wars of the 20th century, but also those also perished in more recent and ongoing conflicts. Beyond remembering the dead, we will also remember those who CONTINUE to serve in defending our freedom. Their sacrifice now is no less meaningful. Today men and women CONTINUE to serve humanity by voluntarily enlisting to serve their countries in the armed forces. They truly deserve to be honored for some will pay the ultimate sacrifice. Still, they have the courage to CONTINUE. Our FF for today is a word of encouragement to all who live for God and by so doing serve each other. The word of encouragement is to CONTINUE!

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The Lord waits to be gracious to you. Isaiah 30: 18

What is grace? The most common definition is ‘unmerited favor’. Mary Fairchild describes it thus, ‘Grace is God's unmerited favor. It is kindness from God we don't deserve. There is nothing we have done, nor can ever do to earn this favor. It is a gift from God. Grace is divine assistance given to humans for their regeneration (rebirth) or sanctification; a virtue coming from God; a state of sanctification enjoyed through divine favor.’

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From a very early age, we would have learnt that it is bad manners to INTERRUPT people when they are speaking. The proper thing to do is to kindly ask for an excuse to INTERRUPT and then wait for permission to speak. To just INTERRUPT would be considered rude. That lesson stays with us and so we expect others to not butt in and INTERRUPT without first asking to be excused. But the social grace that weÂ’ve developed somehow doesnÂ’t apply when it comes to GODÂ’S intervention in our lives. So our FF for today is to struggle a bit with how GOD operates. LetÂ’s consider GODÂ’S INTERRUPTIONS!

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Lean On Me As I Lean On God

Plead my cause and redeem me; revive me according to your word. Psalm 119: 154

Psalm 119, according to the commentary in the Harper Collins Study Bible, is a prayer to God for help in two forms. First there is the call for help in keeping the laws of God, and secondly there is the call for help in perilous times. Our text for today is a plea that God would save his faithful servant. Often times we find ourselves in situations where we too, like the Psalmist, have to throw ourselves on the mercy of the Lord as we place the situation squarely in His hands. What more can we do at such times but trust in the unfailing abilities and love of our Savior. He who knows us will always come through for us. The New Living
Translation puts it thus: Argue my case; take my side! Protect my life as you promised. God has promised to look out for us and in so doing we are protected from the many dangers about us. Ps. 1: 6 For the LORD watches over the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked will perish.
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