Thursday, February 26th

"He has told you, O mortal, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, to love the kindness, and to walk with your God?" Micah 6:8

Micah was speaking to people of God who had lapsed into injustice and immorality. He had preached to them that GodÂ’s judgment would befall them. He also gave them hope of eventual restoration. But he saw it as his responsibility to lead them to see GodÂ’s expectation of them. GodÂ’s requirements stated here are simple: act in justice, kindness and humility.
Continue reading "Thursday, February 26th "


Hello All

IÂ’m sure youÂ’ve lived long enough to have either made or have received a PROMISE. If the time lapse is too long between the making of the PROMISE and its fulfillment we begin to think that such a person is not a man or woman of his/her word. We may even forget about the PROMISE made. But it is not so with the PROMISES of God. If God has made a PROMISE, then rest assured that as the time elapses God is PERFECTING us for the PROMISE. God has not forgotten! So our FF for today is to PERFECTED FOR THE PROMISE.

To PERFECT is to make ready; to ensure that things are just right; to remove the flaws; to keep working on; to improve; to tighten up; to refine; to sharpen. Between the declaration of the PROMISE and its fulfillment God will do all of this and much more. At such times we may feel like God has forgotten the PROMISE. Instead recognize that God is PERFECTING us to receive the PROMISE. The time of PERFECTING may be a time of disciplining, a time of sifting, a time of strengthening, a time of repositioning. It is GodÂ’s PERFECTING us FOR THE PROMISE.

Saints before us have been PERFECTED FOR THE PROMISE. Consider:
-David is PERFECTED as he awaits the PROMISE to be King over Israel.
-Joseph is PERFECTED as he awaits the PROMISE to be a Prince in Egypt.
-Abraham is PERFECTED as he awaits the PROMISE of a son born to him and Sarah.
-The early disciples are PERFECTED as they await the PROMISE of the Holy Spirit.

Don’t let go of the PROMISE which God has already spoken over your life. It will come to be because “all of God’s promises have been fulfilled in [Christ]” 2 Corinthians 1:20. Be patient and persevere as God PERFECTS us to receive the fulfillment of God’s PROMISE. Once a PROMISE has been spoken, God sees us in the light of His PROMISE. So our lives must be PERFECTED to be aligned with what has been PROMISED.

Till next Friday, GodÂ’s willing, be encouraged as we are PERFECTED FOR THE PROMISE.

HereÂ’s the link for the blog. Join in the discussions.

Mikie Roberts (Rev)

Wednesday, February 25th

The commandment of the Lord is clear, enlightening the eyes. Psalm 19:8

We have entered the season of Lent — a time when we reflect on the testing of Jesus in the wilderness. We observe how Jesus repeatedly overcame the temptation. We hear him saying, “It is written, . . .” As we reflect on this it becomes evident that Jesus was aware of the Scripture and its commandments. And it was this that was able to help him to such victory.
Continue reading "Wednesday, February 25th"

Watch Out! He Will Come Back! (An Ash Wednesday Watchword)

“And when the devil had ended all the temptation, he departed from him for a season.” Luke 4:13

We all know the story of JesusÂ’ testing in the wilderness. Three temptations came to the fore. Each one sought to tackle a different area or aspect of ChristÂ’s life. Turning stone into bread would have satisfied the physical area. Accepting the offer of riches would have satisfied the material aspect. And jumping from the pinnacle of the temple would have been satisfying the emotional area by developing pride.
Continue reading "Watch Out! He Will Come Back! (An Ash Wednesday Watchword)"

Can Others See Christ Only?

“For we do not proclaim ourselves, we proclaim Jesus Christ as Lord and ourselves as servants for Jesus’ sake.” 2 Corinthians 4:5

Today as the Christian Church we reflect upon the Transfiguration of our Lord. (Mark 9:2-9; Matt.17:1-8; Luke 9:28-36) On that occasion Jesus was seen by his disciples in a different light. So transfixed were they that they started thinking of how they could make the moment last. And so they suggested, “Let us make three tabernacles.” The response to this was two-fold. Firstly, a voice from a cloud declared, “This is my beloved Son: hear him.” Secondly, when the cloud lifted they saw Jesus only; no man was to be seen. In this double response the disciples were directed to return their focus to Jesus.

Continue reading "Can Others See Christ Only?"


Hello All

You may find this hard to believe but I was quite an athlete in my younger days. No joke. I actually won the Victor Ludorum for my age group in primary school. But that was many years ago. Now IÂ’m not as agile on my feet. Memories! But as I reflected on the FF for today it triggered the memory of yesteryear. Our FF for today is RUN TO WIN!

To RUN TO WIN means several things that I want us to ponder on:
- Prepare your body and mind before so that when itÂ’s time, youÂ’re ready.
- Do not false start, wait for ‘go’.
- Stay relaxed and focused all the way through.
- Avoid being distracted – only one thing is essential.
- Keep the finish line always in view.
- Avoid disqualification – stay in your lane.
- Remember youÂ’re not running alone.
- Keep running with the pack.

These truths can be applied as we engage in the spiritual race of our lives. We must all have a mind set that says I’m determined to RUN TO WIN. In human races, there is only one winner who gets a prize that soon fades. But Paul reminds us that in the Christian race we must all run ‘in such a way that [we] will win’ (1 Cor. 9:24). Our prize is eternal.

So don’t just RUN for running sake. If you do, there are so many things that can cause you to abandon the race and fall by the way. Sadly this happens to some people. Here’s why – because of a false start; someone blocked their path by running in their lane; they RUN as if they’re alone; they become distracted; they loose sight of the finish line.

I encourage you today then to RUN TO WIN. DonÂ’t just RUN aimlessly! RUN TO WIN! WeÂ’re not competing against each other. No! WeÂ’re running together along side and encouraging each other to make it to the end.

Till next Friday, GodÂ’s willing, donÂ’t stop running. ThereÂ’s too much to loose and eternal life to gain. So RUN TO WIN!

HereÂ’s the link for the blog. Join in the discussions.

Mikie Roberts (Rev)

Your Morning Joy

“Weeping may linger for the night, but joy comes with the morning.” Ps.30:5

Have you ever wondered where God was when you needed him? Have you asked the question: “Lord, have you forsaken me?” Have you thought to yourself, “Are you there, Lord?” Some of these thoughts have, no doubt, crossed many minds from time to time. Even Jesus cried out: “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?” (Matt.27:46; Mark 15:34) Continue reading "Your Morning Joy"


Hello All

Have you considered how much influence you have over another person? Are you someone elseÂ’s hero or role model? We all influence somebody and at the same time our lives have been influenced by someone else. With that in mind letÂ’s reflect on our todayÂ’s FF which is BECAUSE OF ME.

LetÂ’s rejoice and give God thanks that
BECAUSE OF ME someone has come to know the Lord.
BECAUSE OF ME someone has experienced what it means to be loved unconditionally.
BECAUSE OF ME someone whoÂ’s hungry and naked has been fed and clothed.
BECAUSE OF ME someone whoÂ’s mourning has been comforted.
BECAUSE OF ME someone whoÂ’s lost his way in life now has purpose.
BECAUSE OF ME a man is a better father, husband and brother.
BECAUSE OF ME a woman is a better mother, wife and sister.
BECAUSE OF ME a child is a better student, more respectful, obedient and caring.
BECAUSE OF ME my family, church, work place and community are better.

But we seek GodÂ’s forgiveness if
BECAUSE OF ME someone thinks that hypocrisy is the norm in the Christian life.
BECAUSE OF ME someone finds it difficult to trust others and take them at their word.
BECAUSE OF ME and my double standard another Christian has stumbled in their walk.
BECAUSE OF ME my childrenÂ’s lives are messed up and they live in constant fear.
BECAUSE OF ME my spouse had to walk away from our covenanted marriage.
BECAUSE OF ME seeds of confusion and disorder have been sown in my church.
BECAUSE OF ME others run away from experiencing Christ rather than run to him.

Which is true for us today? Somebody is following us. WeÂ’re all leading somebody somewhere. So letÂ’s grapple with this question, for those who are taking note of my life as I walk, how and where are they BECAUSE OF ME?

Ultimately, we must point others to Christ, the God-man who lived a perfect sinless life and died for our salvation. We must walk in the power of the Holy Spirit after having been born again, What joy it will be to stand before God on that great Judgment Day and to see some who have made it into the Kingdom of Heaven and to know that they made it over BECAUSE OF ME.

Till next Friday, GodÂ’s willing be blessed and recognize that BECAUSE OF ME so much can happen for good or evil. You decide!

HereÂ’s the link for the blog. Join in the discussions.

Mikie Roberts (Rev)

God's Infinite Wisdom

“Great is our Lord, and abundant in power; his understanding is beyond measure.” Ps.147:5

This weekÂ’s Watchword takes us back to the wisdom of God. His understanding is beyond measure. As a result he is abundant in power.

Susan had to make a choice between Spanish and French at school. She loved French and enjoyed speaking it. She was actually a lot better at French than Spanish. Her heart suggested that she should keep studying the French and drop the Spanish. Her mother asked, “Did you pray about it?” Continue reading "God's Infinite Wisdom"


Hello All

ItÂ’s so important in life to know when to LET GO. Oftentimes failure to know just when to LET GO could mean serious injury or even death. If we donÂ’t LET GO of the emergency brakes, the vehicle would not move. Similarly we can find ourselves stuck in the same position simply because we are still holding on to issues that we just need to LET GO. Our FF for today is a charge to LET IT GO.

Your spouse has betrayed your trust and has been unfaithful - LET IT GO.
Your parents have hurt you by their words and actions - LET IT GO.
Your brothers/sisters have destroyed your good reputation - LET IT GO.
You find it difficult to trust people because of others actions - LET IT GO.
Folks in the Church have not showed you ChristÂ’s love - LET IT GO.
You were told a lie but believed it to be true and acted on it - LET IT GO.

We readily hold on to an unforgiving attitude. We hold on to the negative things that others may have reportedly said about us. We believe that people have something against us. Whether it is true or not, still choose to LET IT GO.

When we choose not to LET IT GO we only hold ourselves prisoners to situations, things and people who most likely have since moved on and left us immobile in the same place. Years later weÂ’re still rehearsing what others may have even forgotten. Yet God has so much for us to do and so much for us to become. But to get to where God wants us and to do what God requires of us means releasing and letting go.

So today, letÂ’s all look at why weÂ’re still in park while others seem to be moving ahead all around us. See whatÂ’s keeping us stuck and whatever it is determine today to just LET IT GO. ThereÂ’s too much to do in life and too little time to allow ourselves to be imprisoned by not letting things and people go.

Till next Friday, GodÂ’s willing, look at your hands and see what your grabbing on to thatÂ’s keeping you from soaring to your destiny and purpose and whatever it is ask God for the strength to open your hands and LET IT GO. Only you can choose to LET IT GO. So do itÂ….LET IT GO and move on.

HereÂ’s the link for the blog. Join in the discussions.

Mikie Roberts (Rev)

Do You Want Wisdom?

“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: all those who practise it have a good understanding.” Psalm 111:10

Many would consider themselves wise, but the wisdom of mere mortals is limited. What does tomorrow hold? What lies around the corner? What is happening now on the other side of town? These are all questions to which we are not likely to have answers. We can only hazard a guess at some of these things. For others we may try some calculations, but fall short because some components are missing. At best we will only be able to speculate. .And speculating involves risk of loss.

Continue reading "Do You Want Wisdom?"